
Summer Reviews (Concluded)


Road to Perdition (2002): B-

American Streetfighter (1992): F

Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002): F

Mystic River (2003): A-

In the Bedroom (2001): B+

A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999): F

[Note: Not a big fan of modernized versions of Shakespeare plays.]

An Officer and a Gentleman (1982): B+

Twist of Faith (2004): B+/A-

[Note: One problem I had with the film was their seeming misconstrual of what something in canon law called "mental reservation" really is. They imply that one can not answer questions and can lie to "protect the interests of the Church." The problem is that hiding sin, as far as I can tell, would not be in the "best interests of the Church," ever (even if certain Church "leaders" have wrongly thought so). Another problem comes when they get critical of people supporting the corupt church, for (as far as I know) money given to a parish doesn't go to the diocese as a whole, let alone the lawyers hired by the diocese--there is a separate fund for that. I'm not 100% sure about all of this, and it isn't to say I don't have my own problems with canon law, the Church's hierarchical structure, and most of all, the corruption. Overall though, I appreciate the film more than I criticize, and am glad the movie is getting the truth out there more than many of my own Church "leaders" are willing to do so.]

Kung Fu Hustle (2004): A-

[Note: I like to think of this film as a cross of styles between Quentin Tarentino, The Matrix, Crouching Tiger, and good old Asian humor.]

House of Flying Daggers (2004): B+

The Office - Season One (2005): A-

Deliverance (1972): C+


The Island (2005): B-

Mulholland Dr. (2001): B+/B

Enemy at the Gates (2001): B-

Waking Life (2001): C+/B-

Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001): A